Genius Biofeedback

Genius Biofeedback Special Packages

Packages Good Through 12/15/19

Manifest Your Dreams for 2020: Our cutting edge system amplifies the power of your wishes

Genius Biofeedback Meridians

The Genius Biofeedback system uses your voice and picture to assess your vibrational frequency. It then compares your frequency to other frequencies within the software and makes you aware of energies you are most resonating with today. You can run frequencies with intention to create anything. All life around us is influenced by frequency. When running these specific frequencies, it helps to move people in the direction of their dreams.  

Using your voice and picture, the Genius Biofeedback connects you to a vehicle to broadcast your intentions and manifest your dreams. The frequencies also reduce stress disturbances. Results reported by users include improved sleep and more sharpness, mental clarity and productivity. A special voice engine and Schumann Resonance frequencies make it all possible. Begin testing yourself right away on our FREE version and experience the difference it makes

In a recent study, the Genius biofeedback was found to reduce stress markers in a number of different areas. Quantum biofeedbacy systems are designed to reduce stress disturbances, which could be associated with pain, stagnation or other issues. 

These are our BEST biofeedback packages of the year

Get every tool you need for the best success, including our:

  • Genius Software with ALL future updates
  • Genius Desk Reference Success Cards
  • Comprehensive Online Training Program
  • Frequency Programs for Wellness in these areas: Adrenal, Thyroid, Hormones, Microbiome, Weight Loss, Heart Health, Addiction and so much more! 

She made $2000 in one day with the Genius 

Offer our Remote Sessions and make $$$

  • Karen B is one of our Genius Practitioners. She sent an email to her small list of just 120 people to let her know she was now offering remote sessions. 
  • She told them that they can now receive the amazing results of the Genius frequencies without having to travel across town or take time from their busy day. 

The response was incredible. Within 24 hours, she sold $2000 worth of these sessions to her excited clients! Make money with the Genius: change and uplift our planet by sending uplifting frequencies around the Globe! 

Genius Biofeedback

Broadcast Your Intentions 

You know that creating the life you truly want to create is possible. But how? Choose the specific frequencies from the Genius as a way to create the world you want around you. Use scalar broadcasting to amplify and entrain these special energies. 

"I could feel the Genius on me. My sleep improved and I had so much greater energy during the day. I am grateful such a tool is available at a time when we truly need this!" Mary S - Fort Lauderdale, FL